Transformer Silicon Steel Sheet

Transformer Silicon Steel Sheet


Transformer Silicon Steel Sheet is a vital component of transformers, consisting primarily of a core and winding. The core, constructed from laminated silicon steel sheets, plays a crucial role in transformer functionality. Silicon steel, with silicon content ranging from 0.8% to 4.8%, boasts high magnetic permeability, essential for efficient magnetic induction in transformers. The performance of silicon steel sheets directly impacts transformer size and efficiency. Today, let’s explore the intricate details of Transformer Silicon Steel Sheets.

Transformer Silicon Steel Sheet Determines Transformer Power Loss

When transformers operate, they incur power losses during transmission. There are two main types of losses: copper losses due to resistance in the coils and iron losses in the Transformer silicon steel sheet, commonly referred to as “iron losses.” There are two reasons for iron losses in silicon steel sheets: “hysteresis loss” and “eddy current loss.”

Hysteresis loss occurs when the iron core undergoes magnetization, resulting in iron loss due to hysteresis phenomena. The magnitude of this loss is directly proportional to the area enclosed by the hysteresis loop of the material. Since the hysteresis loop of silicon steel is narrow, using it as the core material in transformers results in reduced hysteresis loss and significantly reduced heating.

Eddy current loss is caused by the generation of circulating currents induced by the changing magnetic field in the transformer’s core. This loss can be minimized by using laminated silicon steel sheets with insulated layers to reduce the circulation of eddy currents and subsequent power loss.

“Eddy current loss” is caused by the induction of circulating currents within the core of the transformer, circulating within planes perpendicular to the magnetic flux direction, hence the name “eddy currents.” These currents contribute to the heating of the core. One approach to reducing this type of loss is to construct the core using laminated silicon steel sheets, which increases the electrical resistance along the path of the eddy currents.

How Silicon Steel Sheets Generate Magnetic Flux and Voltage Regulation

Silicon steel sheets play a decisive role in determining the power loss of transformers. As previously discussed, both their size and shape significantly impact power loss. Theoretically, thinner silicon steel sheets and narrower strips produce superior outcomes. However, one must also take into account the efficiency of stacking and the effective cross-sectional area.

Transformers operate based on the principle of electromagnetic induction. They comprise two windings wound around a closed iron core: a primary winding and a secondary winding. When connected to an alternating voltage source, the primary winding carries alternating current, creating a magnetic flux in the core. According to Faraday’s law, the induced current’s magnetic flux opposes the change in the original flux. As the induced current’s flux increases, it opposes the original flux, resulting in a low-level alternating voltage across the secondary winding. Hence, the iron core acts as the magnetic pathway of the transformer, enabling its step-up and step-down voltage function.

Performance Metrics for Transformer Silicon Steel Sheet Selection

A. Low Iron Loss: The most critical indicator of quality. Countries worldwide classify grades based on iron loss values, where lower iron loss indicates higher grade and quality.

B. High Magnetic Induction: Transformer silicon steel sheet that achieve higher magnetic induction under the same magnetic field result in smaller volumes and weights for cores in motors or transformers manufactured from them, thereby potentially saving materials like silicon steel, copper wire, and insulation.

C. High Stacking Factor: Smooth, flat, and uniform thickness of silicon steel sheets improve the stacking factor when manufacturing cores.

D. Good Punching Performance: Particularly important for manufacturing small and micro-motor cores.

E. Good Adhesion and Weldability to Insulation Films on the Surface.

F. Magnetic Aging: Silicon steel sheets must be annealed and acid washed before delivery.

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